After a quite surreal five months, this young, albeit slightly older looking chap was on his way back to the UK.

The last time he had been gone this long was on the intrepid explorer adventure. That final journey back from Hong Kong, after five and a bit months, and so many places, was punctured by this chap falling asleep, only to discover in his dream-like-state that he never had been away. Luckily when he woke up in a cold sweat, he found that it was just a nighmareish dream and after so long, I was finally heading home!
This time the plane set off from Chicago, over the great sea-like Lake Michigan, before flying over the farms of Michigan and then rising above the clouds. Flying overnight, on the sleeper plane, I couldn't really sleep. I think I was excited.

Soon enough, the hours ticked by and after several hours, we were finally approaching the motherland. The plane slowly sank through the clouds and there she was, the beautiful green hills of England.

We flew over the all familiar Bristol channel and a few moments later at some hundred miles per hour, we were coming into land at Heathrow!
My bro Charlie came to pick me up from nearby Twickenham to take me up to Nottingham. It was great to see him, but he was wearing a cap, which was slightly unusual. Luckily on the trip up to Nottingham he revealed all...

It was a little hairdressing accident. Apparently his trimmer broke halfway through cutting his own hair in the late hours of the night before. Luckily, he found another trimmer in the early hours of the morning, but, unfortunately, this too broke (some hair eh?!). So, the hair was partly shaved at the front, but intact at the back! The result was quite a good Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon impression, perhaps somewhat fashionable at a fancy dress party, but not so much in broad daylight!!
After catching up on stories and tales on the motorway we stopped off at a service station. Less of the Wendy's, Taco Bell and Burger King here, this place had an M&S, and a missed M&S at that. I quickly raided the sandwich shelf, going straight for my egg cress sandwich. One wasn't enough, so I had two.
It was a beautiful sunny day and we arrived late morning in Nottingham at the all-familiar family ranch.

Much of the day and the rest of the weekend was spent catching up with family and friends as well as eating cakes and supping tea in the garden. Quite the English experience!

Sadly though, this wasn't all cakes and tea. It was also a work related visit, so I headed down to HQ in Malmesbury for the week and caught up with a few people from the office. The good thing about Malmesbury is that it is quintessentially English and situated in the Cotswolds, not far from where I grew up.

Some were shocked to see me looking so rugged. Apparently I left a boy and returned a man. I am still trying to work that one out! I mean, I didn't look that young did I?!
The final weekend was spent in London near Richmond Hill with my brother Charlie and the now pregnant Jo!

It looks like another Swinbourne will be causing some mayhem soon!! And gladly so. I could do with some help.

Talking about mayhem, I also caught up with close friends in London for numerous quite epic stories from the past and present! It was great to see them.