This chap had no idea. I had only just got back into my apartment for the evening taking a look out the window to check out the rather tranquil evening sky. It all looked so nice. But, at the same time, some rather menacing and significant storm clouds were incoming.

I've never seen such fierce winds loaded with water flowing through a whole city. It truly was phenomenal witnessing such a storm.
Well, I say 'was', but actually it looks as though the storm hasn't quite gone yet. The lightning is now overhead, bursting strobe-like lightning across the dark misty clouds and the sound is heavy. It could be a long night...
Check out the video to see this event before your eyes in the comfort of your chair in relative harmony!! If you can, listen out for the eerie piper who returned again to play out the storm.
Flipping heck! Wow would have enjoyed seeing that!
I just hope I survive when I visit Chicago later this month mx
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