25 years later, a special someone came to visit me here in Chicago. This someone has been there since the very beginning, since the land before my time.
The thing is that after a few months here, the family didn't really know what I was up to. But they were very suspicious. They didn't know where I live, nor what Chicago is like. All they had heard was that this city was once the home of Al Capone and his mob. This tiny bit of detail didn't really help.
So, to investigate, they sent a person to represent the family (unarmed of course) to check that everything was in place. This little investigator was my Mum, luckily with some harmless English treats in hand (good old Dairy Milk chocolate and a couple of English newspapers!)!

It was a nice little visit. We made sure we enjoyed the sights and tastes of Chicago. I even saw things that I had never seen before!

On the first night, we went out for some dinner and afterwards we walked along the lakefront pass lots of cyclists, joggers and rollerbladers - a bit of Miami here in Chicago and a bit of an eye opener for my Mum!

We even joined in a couple of times renting a bike and cycling down the lakefront which simply goes on for miles!

At one point I played up to the camera, much like I had seen other tourists do. It looked fun!

However, my Mum wasn't having any of it and thought she was helping, somewhat.

Sunrise in this place is pretty spectacular (Mum took this as I was asleep wasn't I!).

Even more spectacular was Circe Du Soleil who were in town and what we saw was simply extraordinary!

As a treat one night, we headed up to the top of the John Hancock to The Signature Lounge on the 95th floor for sunset.

We also managed to check out Sears Tower and the views from the 103rd floor.

Now, I am faced with reality, when I return from work there is no dinner waiting for me, nor no chocolate cake.

How will I cope!
1 comment:
Hi Adrian - it was great to see how my second son is doing and what I saw was brilliant and I had a good time. Cannot wait to return Mx
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