Saturday 15 March 2008

Razor Blade

The intrepid explorer of yesteryear was back for a two week period only. And this time, he grew a beard.

After undergoing the daily rigour of shaving for a few years now, with a few painful nicks here and there along the way. I wanted a change. I didn't want this mindless pain, day after day.

Buying a razor blade has never been more complicated. Just take your pick... Mach3, Mach3Turbo, Quattro, cut-throat, electric, dry, wet... complicatedMachQuattro indeed.

Lazer surgery and waxing was obviously out of the question too. However, ditching the razor altogether was justifiable. It was time for a shaving break of freedom.To begin with, stubble appeared and then slowly but surely, the beard began to grow like never before. The beard was beginning to make the most its new found freedom in the absence of the not-so humble razor blade.But no matter how much I laughed I knew I wasn't going to win the tour group beard competition for there was one outstanding competitor who just couldn't be beaten on this two week trip!Maybe next time eh.

Meanwhile back in New York, a two-blade razor lingers patiently in the bathroom. It'll be used when I can pluck up the courage to undo two weeks of hard work. I just don't know when, but one thing is for sure, work should be interesting on Monday!

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